Sexual Harassment Committee

Introduction of the committee :

It has been decided to establish a committee as per the direction of the university. This committee organised the program to create awareness among the students that the feelings of logging atrocities is not harmful.

Aims and Objectives

To create awareness among college students about sexual harassment so that the feelings of students are not hurt.

To solve the problem arising from the context of Sexual Harassment and Ragging.

control and ensure that cases of vandalism do not arise in the college.

To take action as pay rule in case of any wrong doing for that college appointed the following members.

      1) Dr. Shilpa NamdevraoShendge. (Head of committee)

      2) Sau.ArunaPundlikraoItkapalle.( Member)

      3) ShankaryyaKallimath (Member)

      4) Shrimati Sarita Subhash Chauhan (Member)

      5) Shri Shelke SurykantPralhad (NGO Officer)

      6) Adv. Sharada Govindrao Patil (Committee Advisory Advocate)

To aware the sexual harassment and ragging of the students the various programme are organised on behalf of this committee and to control and ensure that cases of vandalism do not arise in the college.

Department of Sexual Harrashment& Ragging

Sr.No. Name of capacity Development and Skill achievement program DD/MM/YY Number of Beneficiaries View / Download
1 Stri-PurishSamanta : Kalachi Garaj : Dr.Badne R.D 24/08/2018 25 Click More
2 SavitrichyaLeki: Prof. ShilpaShendge 03/01/2019 116 Click More
3 HaldiKumkuMahilaPalak Melawa; Sow.Kantabai Rathod, Ma. Chakravatibai Rathod 23/01/2020 112 Click More
4 Rashtra Mata Maa Jijau Jayanti: Adv.Muktai Pawar 12/01/2021 58 Click More
5 One day National Webinar :sub;SushikshitStriyanche Vartan Sadyasthity v Apeksha;Saw Vidya Jamdade 24/03/2021 42 Click More
6 One day National Webinar;Sub:Sanganak Kalachi garaj:Dr.Shitaltai Gaikwad 15/01/2021 38 Click More
7 One day National Webinar:sub:Samajvyavshecha kana -TI:Dr. Bharti Madhawai(Yewalikar) 15/02/2022 66 Click More
Video Link
8 LaingikAttyachar v Kayada:Adv.Gajanan Prakash Devkatte 29/04/2022 56 Click More