Certificate course in Physics
This course offered by this college is of student’s centric nature and help them to understand the basic laws of nature and develop to necessary skills to apply to them to the advanced area of studies. This course to provide adequate knowledge of the basic course Physics. Aim of this course is to introduce and create awareness among the student about use of the non-conventional energy sources and laser and their applications here is the list of certificate course in Physics along with duration eligibility and intake capacity:
Sr. No | Name of the course | Duration | Eligibility | Intake | Year |
01 | Semiconductor Diodes | 30 hrs | 10+2 | 20 | 2017-18 |
02 | Lasers | 30 hrs | 10+2 | 20 | 2019-20 |
03 | Thermometry | 30 hrs | 10+2 | 20 | 2020-21 |
04 | Solar Energy | 30 hrs | 10+2 | 20 | 2021-22 |
05 | Basic Electricity Principles and Transistor Applications | 30 hrs | 10+2 | 20 | 2022-23 |
Course No : 1 Semiconductor Diodes
Objective :
1) To understand basic concept of semiconductors, Semiconductor diodes & their characteristics.
2) To provide a broad coverage of solid state devices
3) Describe the motion of free electrons & vacancies through a P N junction.
4) To study & verify the fundamental of P N junction diode in forward bias.
5) Acquire the fundamental knowledge & exposes to
After completing this course students will be able to
1) Identify & understands construction & properties of P N junction diode, Zener diode light emitting diode photodiode varactor diode & their V-I characteristics.
2) Become aware of the general characteristics of three important semiconductor materials.
3) Test semiconductor diodes range small signal diode, Zener diode
1) There are many opportunities in designing & manufacturing diodes
2) Silicon diode in a D.C Circuit Assembly using connecters blocks.
3) Great strides have been mode in the manufacturing techniques.
Fees :
Unpaid Courses.
Course contents :
1) Unit 1:- Semiconductor Diodes, Resistance of crystal diode, crystal diode equivalent circuit, crystal diode rectifiers filter circuits.
2) Unit 2:- Semiconductor (Definition) type of semiconductor, P N junction diode, light emitting diode zener diode, photo diode, varactor diode & their characteristics
Book Recommended:
1) Principles of Electronics, - V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta, S chand 11th Revised Edition 2008 New Delhi 110055
2) Electronics Circuit: - Hand book & design & application, U. Tietze 2008 springer.
Course No : 2 Lasers
Objective :
1) Lasers are ideal trolls when it comes to processing materials quickly and efficiently
2) They can be used for cutting marking engraving, drilling & structuring purpose
3) High quality objective lenses and being expanders leser material processing.
1) Expected course outcomes upon completion of this course, the student will be cognitive level
2) Discuss the importance & faschnating area of interference with many experiment associated with it
1. Laser range finding
2. Bar code readers
3. Laser surgery
4. Holographic Imaging
5. Laser Spectroscopy
6. Laser Material Processing
Associated Agency:
Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques (SGECT)
Fees :
Unpaid Courses.
Certificate details :
Certificate courses will be given to the students to Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques (SGECT).
Course contents :
1) laser:- Introduction, properties, spontaneous& stimulated emission, theory of laser action, Einstein’s coefficient light amplification, characterization, of laser beam.
2) Type of lasers:- He-Ne laser semiconductor laser, Rubby laser, Co2 Laser, N2 Laser, Diode laser.
Book Recommended:
1. Laser and non leaner optics B.B. Loud willey eastern limited
2. A text book of optics : Brijlal & Subraymanyam S. Chand & Co.
Course No : 3 Thermometry
Objective of the course:
This course will introduce the students to the world of heat & thermodynamics & the behavior of the physical system at different thermodynamically condition. After completing these course student will understand the difference in type of thermometer and relation between them. To have students see and understand that a thermometer is a device that use to measure a change in temperature.
The thermometer is an easy yet important to that can be used to detect changes in the temperature.
Some of the key factors propelling the market growth are growing demand for temperature monitoring devices, Health care expenses & rising healthcare awareness.
Associated Agency:
Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques (SGECT)
Fees :
Unpaid Courses.
Certificate details :
Certificate courses will be given to the students to Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques.
Course contents :
1) Concept of heat & temperature, type of thermometer centigrade and Fahrenheit relation between Celsius Kelvin, Fahrenheit and Rankine Scales of temperature..
2) Platinum resistance thermometer, Seebeck effect, problems, liquid thermometers.
3) Advantage of gas thermometers, comparison of different thermometers, low & high temperature measurements.
Book Recommended:
1. Heat & Thermodynamics : Brijlal N. Subrahmanyanm, Sultan Chand & Compani Ltd.
2. Hear & Thermodinamics : D.S. Mathur Sultan Chand & Compani Ltd.
Course No : 4 Solar Energy
Objective :
1) Energy Saving
2) Solar Energy system installation
3) Dedicated individual educated
4) D.C. Solar facility
5) 40 Megawatts ………… Purchases
5) Power harness energy.
After studying this course, you should be able to
1) Explain the principal that underlie the ability of various natural phenomena to deliver solar energy
2) Out live the technologies they are used to harness the power of solar Energy
Materials engineer, Field service technician, Technical cells of photo voltaic systems, Solar site assessor, Solar installer,
Associated Agency:
Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques (SGECT)
Fees :
Unpaid Courses.
Certificate details :
Certificate courses will be given to the students to Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques (SGECT).
Course contents :
1) Man & energy world production & Reveres of commercial energy source, Indian’s Production & reverse energy.
2) Alternative photovoltaic conversion world energy, energy form biomass, wave energy Ocean thermal energy conversion, energy in marine current.
3) Solar energy and harvesting Importance storage of solar energy application of solar energy, solar water heater solar distillation, Solar cooker solar cell characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) System.
Book Recommended:
1. Non- Conventional energy Sourses: G.D. Rai Khanna Publishes, New Delhi.
2. Solar energy : M.P. Agarwal – S. Chand & co. Ltd.
3. Solar energy : Suhas P. Sukhative tat a Mc Grew hill publishing company Ltd.
Course No : 5 Basic Electricity Principles and Transistor Applications
Objective :
1) Describe the composition , matter, and the structure of the atom
2) Describe the principles of electricity and the theory of current flow
3) Describe the basic type of electrical circuit and their characteristics
4) Describe electromagnetism
5) To study the input and output characteristics NPN transistor CE mode and determine
transistor parameter
1) Creating new knowledge
2) Developing physical and manual skill
3) Developing feeling and emotion
4) Communication effectively
5) Acquire subjective knowledge
> Lights, water heatings and coolings
> T.V. and media devices
> Smaller mechanical sensitivity
> Low operating voltage
> Extremely long life
> Fast switching
> No power consumption
> Better efficiency circuit and lower cost and smaller in size
> Used to develop single integrating circuit
Associated Agency:
Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques, pune (SGECT)
Fees :
Unpaid Courses.
Certificate details :
Certificate courses will be given to the students to Sheshadri Globally educational competency techniques, pune (SGECT).
Course contents :
Unit I : Basic Electricity Principles
resistance, inductance, capacitor, colour code, resistance, voltage, current, power, ohms law, kirchoffs law, junction diode transistorUnit II : Understanding Electronic Circuit
AC and DC course, rules and analysis, DC sourse , electronic circuite, current voltage drops across the DC circuit elements, rectifier( half wave full wave and bridge) voltage regulator using zener diodeUnit III : Transistor Application
CE amplifier, its analysis and performance, CB amplifier, its analysis and performance, Hartley oscillator, Colpits oscillator, and their performanceBook Recommended:
1. A Text Book In Electrical Technology, B L Thereja, S Chand, and CO.
2. Electrical Circuit Handbook Of Design And Application J T Tech, Schenk, 2008 Springer
3. Electrical Circuit Handbook Of Design And Application J T Tech, Schenk, 2008 Springer